
Who am I?

Hi! I’m Marissa DuBois, RVT. I grew up in Prince George, BC and loved animals my entire life. Soon after highschool I realized that I wanted to devote my life to making animal lives better; this decision led me to the Lower Mainland where I took a Veterinary Office Assistant Program. After a couple of years in the big city I moved back to Prince George to be closer to my family. In 2013 I started working at Murdoch Veterinary Clinic as a receptionist and I soon realized that it wouldn’t be enough for me - I wanted to be more hands-on with the patients.

In 2015 I started my educational journey to become a Registered Veterinary Technician, graduating in 2017. I have been very lucky to be given the opportunities to follow my dreams and help save lives everyday.

While working in the clinic I encountered a large number of dogs that would be so anxious and afraid in the clinic that they would shake, urinate, flail and scream for simple procedures such as toenail trims. Often these dogs need to be sedated when they come into the clinic. This evidence prompted me to start my business in 2018 and I soon found out that most dogs do MUCH better in the comfort of their own home. Dogs that have been sedated for years to just have their toenails trimmed can now have me visit and have a stress free, drug free pampering!