
All appointments are subject to a travel fee on top of the service fee. Please contact me with your address and what services you’re interested in to get a quote.

Have more than one pet? No problem, multi-pet households receive discounts on services booked at the same time.

Looking for a service that is not listed? Contact me for more information!



  • Toenail Trims

  • Anal Gland Expression

  • Ear Cleaning


  • Lion Shaves

  • Spot and Mat Clipping

  • Feet Trimming

  • No longer offering Full Grooming Services


  • Blood Glucose Curves - rec’d by a veterinarian. Results will be forwarded to your veterinarian for interpretation

  • Re-Bandaging - prescribed by a veterinarian

  • Medication Administration - prescribed by a veterinarian

  • Weight Loss Program - with up to date veterinarian records only

  • Subcutaneous Fluids - prescribed by a veterinarian

  • Blood Collection - at the request of veterinarians only. If this is a service you would like to utilize please talk it over with your veterinarian - they will have to contact me directly.

  • Educational Consults - training, dentistry, exercise, etc.